Publishing Equipment

Publishing Equipment
89% $293,802
$0 $330,000

There will always be a need for printed evangelistic resources, especially in these last days when governments can shut off access to online media instantly. The pandemic shot paper prices through the roof and increased wait times, but you can turn this crisis into an opportunity by bringing a significant portion of Amazing Facts’ print projects in-house. By purchasing new equipment, we can print and ship many more truth-filled resources for much less money and in much less time. It’s time to turn a “new page” in witnessing, and your support means more hearts can be reached!

Need Help?

Call us at 877-506-1751 or
Office hours are Monday to Thursday
8:30am to 6:00pm Pacific Time.

Pay By Check?

You can also print this form and mail your donation to:
Amazing Facts International
PO Box 1058
Roseville, CA 95678-9912

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