Witch Doctor Finds Hope

Witch Doctor Finds Hope

“Is there any hope for me?” wondered James. For 40 years, he had served the devil as a witch doctor in his village in Uganda. Now, his oldest son lay dead, and long-buried memories of gospel truth were resurfacing. James had grown up a Sabbath-keeper but had thrown it all out in his pursuit of wealth. Satan had rewarded his allegiance handsomely, making him famous for the charms and curses he worked. But now, in the unexpected loss of his son, the devil gave him no consolation.


Suicide seemed the only option.


Thankfully, James was not left in despair. Because of your selfless commitment to Africa, Amazing Facts evangelists were ready to bring him the message of hope he so desperately needed to hear.


Not long after the death of James’s son, AFCOE missionaries came to his village and began conducting Bible studies in preparation for an evangelistic series. One day, the missionaries visited James, offering encouragement and hope from God’s holy Word. The old man’s hard heart was touched, and he began studying the Scriptures he had once read in his youth.


The next Sabbath, the old witch doctor, his two wives, and 24 children all attended the local Sabbath-keeping church for worship. They also began attending the evangelistic series. By the end of the meetings, the entire family had given their hearts to Christ!


James’s transformation has been a massive inspiration to the community. Many have since chosen to learn more about the power that transformed their former witch doctor into a servant of God.


Says James, “I cannot explain the joy and peace that I now experience in serving my new Master, Jesus Christ. I no longer live in fear of the spirits. Even if I am to die, I believe that Jesus will resurrect me. My whole family is happy now and free from the fear of the spirits.”


People still come to James from near and far because of his fame as a witch doctor, not knowing he has been converted. When they arrive for his magic, the former witch doctor instead “charms”” them with the story of his conversion and points them to his new Master!


Indeed, God is answering your prayers for Africa! James and his family are just a few of the 2,414 individuals baptized in 2023 because of your prayers and generosity.

Thirsty No Longer 

Mumbere was thirsty for God, yet he did not understand the emptiness in his heart for many years. His parents’ church had not satisfied him, nor had a life of drug addiction. Rather than enjoying the hedonistic pleasure, he only felt more empty and guilty. Like the prodigal son, he began to long for the peace only God can give. Your prayers had planted the desire for holiness in Mumbere’s heart.


A natural leader, Mumbere formed a youth Bible study group in his church to help avoid bad company and appease his guilty conscience. His efforts were all in vain. Nothing satisfied his soul.


Mumbere’s thirst grew until Kelly, an AFCOE Bible worker you sponsored, invited him to a prophecy seminar in his village. This proved to be the blessing he had been praying and seeking for. The soul-stirring truths he heard and the Amazing Facts Study Guides you provided helped him understand the Bible better and answered the longings of his soul.


When Mumbere’s father heard his son talk about the Bible Sabbath, he told Mumbere to watch the family’s livestock in the evenings to keep him away from the meetings. But the young man was so determined to hear the truth that he brought the animals to graze around the church so that he could continue listening.


Shortly after Mumbere’s baptism, God opened a way for him to attend a nearby college. He soon realized there was no Sabbath-keeping fellowship on campus, so he began one. He invited the missionaries who had preached in his village to come to the college and share the truths that had transformed his life. As a result of his efforts, others are learning about God’s truth, and the number of Sabbath-keepers is growing!


No longer a thirsty soul, Mumbere now enjoys the abundance of God’s truth and has become a channel of blessing to those in his circle of influence.


Thank you for accepting our heavenly King’s commission to reach the lost in Africa. Your commitment is answering the prayers of Mumbere, James, and many others. Because of you, they can drink deeply of Christ, the fountain of living waters. 

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