Opening Hearts Across India

Our workers in India are energized by the Holy Spirit as you send them out to evangelize. They have distributed Amazing Facts calendars—which feature information about our truth-filled books, websites, and TV programs—to those open to the life-changing truth. Your gifts have even helped revive a closed remote village Sabbath-keeping church in Northeastern India and shared the Amazing Health Facts magazine with a Sunday-keeping congregation.


Calls continue to pour into the Amazing Facts India call center. After watching our TV broadcasts, many have Bible questions, and you deliver helpful Bible answers to them through our team on the ground. Bible lessons are sent out, and many prayers are offered to hurting hearts. Your gifts offer Bible answers to callers speaking Tamil, English, Hindi, and Telugu.


IMAGE-DESCRIPTION-HEREThe devil hates our evangelistic work in India. When our team worked with a Sabbath-keeping pastor who conducted a series of meetings outside of Hyderabad City, the best location was on a street in the open. After setting up cameras and lights for the meetings, dark clouds rolled in and threatened to drench the meetings. Camera operators and other team members fell to their knees and prayed for God to hold back the rains. The Lord performed a miracle for those 200 people who came to hear Bible truth. The meetings were successfully recorded and will be used to broadcast truth across India.


Word about Amazing Facts’ work in India is spreading through Sabbath-keeping churches and at camp meetings through ministry booths, distributed materials, answered questions, and short presentations to pastors and church leaders.  Leaders expressed great appreciation for the growing evangelistic work you are making possible.


Thank you for kindly co-laboring with Amazing Facts’ workers in India. Your loving gifts and earnest prayers are stretching across India and bringing life-changing truth to many hearts.

 A Team Effort

When a Sunday-keeping pastor from Mumbai watched a video produced by a Sabbath-keeping evangelist from the United States, he asked if these truths could be presented to a group of 200 of his fellow pastors in India. Amazing Facts India joined with a few other ministries (Hope Through Prophecy, Adventist World Radio, and Final Days International) to record this event and share our materials with this group of searching pastors.


Our director in India shared, “It was such a wonderful experience for three ministries to come together, each bringing their area of specialty to help spread the gospel and the last-day message to 200 Sunday-keeping pastors.”IMAGE-DESCRIPTION-HERE


After each presentation, our team handed out corresponding Amazing Facts Study Guides. Many of the pastors read through them and filled out the summary sheet in the back. The Holy Spirit convicted many of them to accept the Sabbath, and they are now wrestling with how to go back and share these Bible teachings with their congregations. Please pray for these pastors who are making big decisions for Christ!


Bringing Truth to a Christian College


IMAGE-DESCRIPTION-HEREGod opened the door for you and our Amazing Facts team to bring Bible truth to students from a Baptist nursing college in Tamil Nadu, where 90 percent of the students are Hindu. You helped organize four days of revival meetings in the same city and also presented a health seminar for the students. In the evenings, you helped us to conduct evangelistic meetings for people in the community.


You also made it possible for our team to provide health check-ups, give massages, and do follow-up work. The college chairperson said he had never heard such a powerful message and would like us to come back for more meetings. Hindu students have asked for prayer and Bible studies.


Please pray that God will continue to open more doors for hungry hearts to be fed lifesaving truth in India. Thank you for your gifts, which have helped many searching hearts!

Amazing Facts is a non-profit, donor-supported ministry.
We greatly appreciate your prayers and financial support.

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