Featured Book:
The Savior and the Serpent
Featured Book:

The Savior and the Serpent

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:14, 15).

An Amazing Fact: It is estimated that between 30,000 and 40,000 people die from snakebites each year, 75 percent of whom live in densely populated India. The most deadly snakes in India are the cobra, Russell’s vi...

Free Book Library - English

What happens to us after we die? Many people think that 2 Corinthians 5:8 has the answer, but actually "to be absent from the body" isn't about death at all.
How can you be part of the group without compromising your principles? This little book provides encouragement as well as answers.
God's creation or Evolution? Which is it? Learn some interesting facts about creation that cannot be easily explained by blind chance.
From prayer in schools to God's Law displayed in courthouses, the cultural battle is soon to ignite a firestorm that will decide this nation's destiny. But what is the role of the 10 Commandments in America, ...
The rapture has become the prevailing interpretation of Christ’s second coming. It suggests that millions of Christians will disappear in the blink of an eye, to be followed by the tribulation. But is ...
Learn how earth's final battle will bring victory to spiritual Israel and the mysterious "kings of the east" as revealed in the mysterious pages of Revelation. An excellent, easy way to strengthen your ...
Grace is for everyone. No matter where you have been or how much doubt about God's love fills your heart, you'll discover all-new joy in this tiny book packed with hope.
What do a fire hydrant, a bottle of Coca-Cola, and rose petals have in common? Find out in this free booklet on the fascinating facts about baptism.
Today's church is suffering from massive spiritual confusion. This eye-opening investigation explores the pagan customs that have been gradually introduced into Christianity and how you can avoid the ...
The unpardonable sin is lurking like a deadly shark preying on its next unsuspecting meal. Will you be its next victim?
To understand the sanctuary is to understand salvation through Jesus. Now explore His ministry for us in the heavenly sanctuary going on right now, and what it means for you and your future. A beautiful ...
Proof that eternal life does not hinge on a single moment of decision. A great book for sharing with anyone confused by the once-saved-always-saved doctrine.
Biblical evidence that Jesus lived His life on earth with a nature like ours.
Should Christians wear makeup and jewelry? A study of the Bible verses that establish principles to live by.
Move aside Elvis. There is a one world church coming. Get the inside scoop in this tell-all about the one religion that will someday take over the world.
Pastor Doug Batchelor delivers thought provoking information in this outstanding pocketbook. Being in the world vs. being of the world... Where do you stand on taking a stand. Giving just a little, ...
What should you do with the culture around you? What we say, dress like, listen to, eat, and where we hang out all tell a story about what is going on in our hearts. This concise study cover the issues ...
Millions of Americans are digging their own grave with a fork. But did you know God has always had a solution and has a plan today for your health. Get the diet and health principles that can add years ...
The gripping true story of how a Christian family exiled in Siberia was forced to prove from Scripture which day is the Sabbath. They had always believed that the Bible endorsed Sunday worship, but their ...
Pastor Doug Batchelor provides a biblical perspective about the dangers of debt and practical steps to get free from financial bondage.” If you, or someone you know, is struggling under a large financial ...
How do you know what the will of God is for your life? Find out how to know the path God has for you. With practical, Biblical advice this little book will help you discover God's will for the decisions ...
Shows that God's law and His grace do not work in competition with each other, but in perfect cooperation.
Fully divine, fully human... or both? A study of Christ's human nature in the context of His earthly life.
There's one truth about the Ten Commandments that Satan's taken pains to hide. Uncover the incredible reason why Sabbaths in the Bible still matter today.
Are you succumbing to the perils of stress? Find the biblical secret to joy through the incredible testimony of someone who's been there too.
The issue of a woman in ministry has been fiercely debated and hotly contested. Take a fresh and honest look into what God intended for women in ministry.
You better believe it! See a glimpse of the place we can all look forward to when Jesus comes.
The false doctrine of an ever-burning place of torment controlled by the devil has caused many to stray from God and distrust His loving character. But now you can have biblical evidence against a hell ...
Avoid the spiritual delusions that will cause so many religious people to be lost. An important book for every Christian in the end-time.
A concise explanation of the four Bible texts that seem, at first glance, to advocate the eating of unclean meats.
Shortly after becoming a Christian, some of my believing friends would ask, “Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit?” I wasn’t quite sure how to answer. At the time, I always envisioned the ...
Puts the stale traditions of evolution on the defensive by exposing loopholes in the evolutionary theory.
Most Christians agree we need a day of rest but is the Sabbath a holiday or a holy day?
Find the power to be victorious when faced with temptation.
Good News! Salvation is far easier than most people think.
Provides assurance that it is possible, through Christ, to achieve total victory over sin.
Examines every Bible text which refers to Sunday.
Is it wrong for a Christian to wear a cross or a wedding ring? How much jewelry is too much? Get the surprising facts on this hot topic in this free booklet.
A compelling explanation of how the power of the Holy Spirit can help us achieve victory.
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and what does the Bible say about speaking in tongues? Find out everything you need to know straight from the Bible about this controversy stirring in ...
Describes the end-time courtroom scenes of Daniel and Revelation and why you can look forward to it.
Stresses that to reject the guiding, convicting influence of the Holy Spirit is the most serious mistake one can make.
Who was Lot's wife and did she really turn into a pillar of salt? Why did she look back to the city of Sodom?
There are so many theories and interpretations of the second coming that it’s hard for people to know the Bible truth on the subject. We believe this book will be a great primer for you, showing you what ...
Does God judge us in the same way that we judge each other?
Get an exciting, detailed look at what will take place on the earth during the soon coming millennium. Your questions about this controversial doctrine will be answered and the web of confusion surrounding ...
Outlines the two main strategies Satan uses to cause even the most religious people to sin.
What are the major deceptions evil spirits plan to spread?
Biblical proof that the soul is not immortal by nature and explains why it is so important to know the truth. Great for sharing with friends and family!
What is Israel's destiny? Is there something more to her than national sovereignty? Two Jews boldly tackle one of the most controversial issues in Christian prophecy, leading you to a final, amazing conclusion ...
Prayer is one of our most valuable spiritual assets, but few know what it really means to pray. In this in-depth look at "the breath of the soul," you'll learn new and powerful insights about communicating ...
What is the Abomination of Desolation? You've heard it occured in the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, but the Bible reveals this prophecy is about to be fulfilled!
The most epic battle is being fought right now—over you! Put on God's armor and join Christ in the final fight that will determine the rest of your life.
Reveals how Satan is preparing people to fall for his last-day delusions and the mark of the beast.
Struggle between truth and error, a daring, yet concise overview of the Bible's most compelling and perplexing end-time players and the struggle between truth and error as seen in Bible prophecy. Find ...
Joe Crews. It's one of the oldest questions, and certainly the most troubling, any one can ask: Why is there suffering in the world? Get answers that make sense and also give hope-a great way to introduce ...
Christians and alcohol—two words that you'd never expect to find together. And yet the oxymoron has stumped people for generations. Sift out the facts here.
During the civil war, in the most excruciating circumstances, a Jewish physician operates on a 17 year old drummer boy. Disregarding the untempered pain of surgery, the boy thinks only of the fact that ...
Chart the development of the many Bible versions available to Christians today and how they a play a part in knowing God. You will also get a thorough defense of the Textus Receptus, the precursor of ...
Discover the remarkable history of our world. Then make the choice that will determine your final verdict in the most important trial of your life.
An oxymoron is a phrase in which words of contradictory meanings are used together for special effect—for example, wise fool or legal murder. Some can be quite humorous, such as pretty ugly, working vacation, ...
Delve to the very heart of our faith with this classic, heart-changing journey into why Christ had to die the second death to free us from the penalty of our sins.
Imagine tonight is the last night on earth. What would you do? This compelling booklet pulls no punches. Know the consequences of the choice of a lifetime.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, has taken a special place in our faith
What exactly does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain? In this book you'll discover the many different titles and names the Bible attributes to God, and as a result you'll understand more about who ...
Holiness is not a passive transaction in which we sit back and allow God to separate us from sin. Rather, obedience should be an active part of a strong and living faith in Christ. Unfortunately, especially ...
A beggar? Abraham's bosom? The flames of hell? This isn't a fairy tale. Untangle the misunderstandings of the parable of Lazarus with this free book!
When Jesus told the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, was He sharing hidden truths about the state of the dead–or did He have another lesson in mind?
The Scriptures are an epic record of the battle between our Savior and the serpent. Pastor Doug uses John 3:14, 15 as a springboard to offer a stirring message of salvation that you might never have heard ...
The Bible has its own lady in red. But behind her alluring beauty lurks a very real danger. Find out who this scarlet woman is—and why she's got her eye on you.
The way, the truth, the life—in dozens of denominations? They can't all be the true church. Find out how to choose and how to know the path to eternal life.
Exposes the numerous errors of the prevalent secret rapture theory. Find out what really happens when Jesus Christ returns.
What is the sign of Jonah? Isn't the story of Jonah just a children's tale? Discover the extraordinary connection between Jonah, the big fish, and Jesus!
A reminder that God has given us all a powerful weapon in combating the self nature.
The doctrine of the triune Godhead is under attack from all corners of Christianity. Understand the history behind this dangerous assault and know the biblical support for this great mystery found in ...
There are lots of interpretations of the two witnesses of Revelation 11. Which one is right? Follow a fascinating journey to unearth this stunning truth.
In a time of so many distractions from television, to the internet, movies, and more Bible study is fast becoming obsolete. Who in the world has time to open the Book? Yet God promises huge blessings ...
Are you unwittingly robbing God? Find out for sure with this look at tithing and the consequences of stealing God's money.
Explains a verse that is used as a proof text by advocates of the Wednesday-crucifixion theory.
It may be hard to believe, but it's true. No matter where you are or who you are, you are only three steps to heaven. See for yourself in our online booklet.
This in-depth, easy-to-understand study book from Joe Crews helps you identify the three forces that the book of Revelation says will set the stage for the battle of Armageddon
Is gossip poisoning your family relationships—is it crippling the gospel message of your church?
Get solid, biblical advice for overcoming the perils that threaten your relationship with the Father. Pastor Doug shows you that by following Jesus' example, your life can be filled with victory! Great ...
Are you feeling lukewarm about your faith and about going to church? Do you want to renew that first-love passion you once had with Jesus? Pastor Doug shares 12 ways that you can reignite that spark of ...
What should we expect from an outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Is it always associated with a manifestation of the gift of tongues? Find out the answers to these questions and many others in this dynamic ...
Who are the sons of God in Genesis 6? Are they aliens, angels, or even ... our ancestors?! Uncover a compelling truth that will instantly blow you away.
Who is the Archangel Michael? What does He do? What does His name mean? And why do we need to be prepared when He stands up? Learn this incredible truth today!
There is a mysterious group described in the last book of the Bible. Who are the 144,000 described in Revelation Chapter 14? And why should they matter to you?
A classic and inspiring look at the Sabbath - God's loving but urgent attempt to keep the truth of His Creation before a world in need.
A powerful argument to support Sabbath observance by New Testament Christians.
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