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The Backstory: The Prologue

The Backstory: The Prologue

This week’s lesson will begin with the Prologue (John 1:1–18) and summarize its major themes. These themes will then be looked at in other places in John’s Gospel, as well.

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Every Nation and Tongue

Every Nation and Tongue

The last thing Jesus says before He ascends to heaven is to go to teach and baptize. The last words of Jesus should be a first priority for believers. If it's important to Jesus, it should be important to us.

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The Amazing Power of Words

The Amazing Power of Words

There is power in words. Words can bring life, and words can bring death. God wants us to speak words of encouragement.

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What's On Now?

Broken Chains

With Pastor Doug Batchelor

Why would a loving God make a devil and how can we be protected from evil?
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Pastor Doug's Newsletter

Exposing Charismatic Counterfeits

Bob didn’t feel right about the ecstatic gibberish he was hearing in church. When he stumbled across the Amazing Facts website, the truths he heard changed his life. The devil uses counterfeits to deceive many who are looking for trustworthy answers to their Bible questions. However, God can use you and your gifts to uncover Satan’s deceptions and uphold essential truth. Thank you for being a beacon of light in this dark world!

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Featured Product

The All-New Book of Amazing Facts, Vol 4

The All-New Book of Amazing Facts, Vol 4

For more than 30 years, Pastor Doug Batchelor, president of Amazing Facts International, has been using historical, scientific, and other amazing facts to share the gospel, making the Bible come alive for millions. Now, in this new fourth volume book, you can enjoy some of the most eye-opening and incredible facts Pastor Doug has used in his radio
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AF Blog

Can Humans Live Forever?

Despite staggering advancements in medical science, the overall increase in human lifespan is beginning to plateau, suggesting there are built-in limits to longevity. Can anything give us hope for even longer, happier lives?

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Testimonies of Changed Lives

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