Exposing Charismatic Counterfeits

October 10, 2024     
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No Hope to New Life

Posted on Oct 01, 2024  | 
When Gail lost her husband, she wanted to end her life. But then she discovered amazingfacts.org—and found hope and a new life in Jesus! You can point even more eyes to heavenly truth when you give to the online evangelistic work of Amazing Facts. Thank you for sending streams of light around the world!

Crippled by Shame, Empowered by Faith

Posted on Sep 03, 2024  | 
John was overwhelmed by shame. He couldn’t shake his addictions and felt alone and helpless. But through your gifts, he heard God calling to his heart. Watching Amazing Facts on TV, John was drawn back to God and church, where he found the courage and strength to finally break free of sinful habits. You can call to more despairing hearts when you support God’s work through Amazing Facts evangelistic media. Your gifts lead the broken into the healing arms of our loving heavenly Father. Thank you for sharing!

Moving Mountains, Spreading Truth

Posted on Aug 01, 2024  | 
Richard was in a quandary. After discovering Bible truth, this Pentecostal pastor had to decide between keeping or leaving his church. Through Bible workers and evangelists that you raised up, the Holy Spirit helped him to overcome every obstacle and follow Jesus! Richard even planted a new Sabbath-keeping church in his village. You can remove more roadblocks to truth when you support Amazing Facts’ evangelistic and training work in hard-to-reach places like Africa and the Philippines. Your gifts move mountains and spread truth around the world. Thank you for caring!

The Best Investment in the World

Posted on Jul 01, 2024  | 
Thomas was looking for answers to his Bible questions when friends led him to Amazing Facts. After watching our evangelistic series presented in New York City, his life was launched in a new direction. When you invest in Amazing Facts evangelism, you guide people to lasting truth. On September 20, we will present “Prophecy Odyssey” in the influential city of New York. Your gifts help win souls and are the best and most lasting investment you could ever make. Thank you for bringing truth to the world!

Opening Galaxies of Truth

Posted on Jun 02, 2024  | 
James sought happiness through the world’s pleasures but was left feeling empty. When he found Bible Answers Live on the radio, he began listening often. The Holy Spirit convinced him to get serious about what he heard, and his life turned in a much better direction. You can guide even more people like James to find heaven’s answers to the deepest needs of their hearts when you support Amazing Facts radio. Your gifts open galaxies of truth to people wanting more than what this world offers. Thank you for giving!

Kidnapped by Culture

Posted on Apr 30, 2024  | 
Our young people are being kidnapped by culture, and many are quitting church. But you can reach youth like Ethan by supporting the many Amazing Facts resources and events designed to help them find freedom in Christ. Will you support faith-building conferences and materials that lead others to God’s kingdom? Thank you!

The Last Words You May Ever Hear

Posted on Apr 15, 2024  | 
When Jocelyn discovered that her dying hospital patient was watching Amazing Facts on TV, she knew that God had miraculously opened the door of salvation to a hurting, frightened soul. Millions are facing a hopeless future without Jesus. You can bring these lost people to the Lord through your compassionate gifts. The messages you help send out may be the last words they hear. Thank you for caring!

An Exciting TV Opening in the Capital of the World

Posted on Apr 02, 2024  | 
The apostle Paul’s witness in Rome, the global center of power and commerce in his day, helped spread Christianity throughout the empire. Today, you can help advance Bible truth by placing Amazing Facts programs on a huge TV station, WLNY-TV, in New York City. From this present-day “capital of the world,” God’s message will spread around the globe and prepare hearts locally for our upcoming Prophecy Odyssey evangelistic series in the fall.

A Sudden, Urgent SOS!

Posted on Mar 04, 2024  | 
Southeast Asia is one of the most difficult places to witness for Christ. Muslim- and Hindu-dominated countries like Pakistan, Indonesia, and India often persecute those who convert to Christianity. But you can bring light to searching hearts when you support new Amazing Facts evangelistic meetings this April—along with more resources for reaching Muslims. Please pray for Pastor Doug’s safety and give generously so that those having second thoughts about Islam can find Jesus. Thank you!

From Prison to Palace

Posted on Feb 01, 2024  | 
Matthew was making plans to get high as soon as he got out of prison. But before his time was up, he discovered Amazing Facts on a prison-issued tablet—and it turned his life around! When you support the work of Amazing Facts, you are sending resources to thousands of inmates trapped in sin. Your kindness opens spiritual prison doors and sets people free from Satan’s chains. Your gifts unlock hearts to receive eternal life in Jesus!

Valuable in God’s Eyes

Posted on Jan 02, 2024  | 
Laura never felt good enough. But that changed when she was introduced to Jesus through Amazing Facts TV broadcasts. When you help broken people find their true worth in Christ through our evangelistic programs, thousands like Laura discover how valuable they truly are in God’s eyes. Your loving gift today will redeem more souls from Satan’s trash bin and lead them into the treasure chest of heaven!

Answers at the Speed of Light

Posted on Dec 19, 2023  | 
Answers at the Speed of Light

Bringing Liberty to the World From New York City!

Posted on Dec 01, 2023  | 
Bringing Liberty to the World From New York City!

Placing Truth Into 50 Million Households!

Posted on Oct 31, 2023  | 
Valerie’s life was profoundly touched when she encountered an Amazing Facts evangelistic TV series, which ignited her search for more truth. Your generous support can be the catalyst for others like her to discover hope. By backing our new time slot on Family Entertainment TV, you’re making a direct impact on seekers’ journeys. Join Valerie in spreading the light of truth!

Posted on Oct 17, 2023  | 
Born into Islam, Aydin began a remarkable journey of faith when he watched an Amazing Facts DVD and found a path to Jesus—but his newfound beliefs brought deep persecution. Your generous support of our global evangelistic work guides millions toward the profound truths of Scripture, preparing them for the imminent Second Coming. Your contributions share the Lord’s sacred teachings, offering freedom even in places where governments ban the Bible. Your kindness is leading to transformation. Thank you for being a beacon of hope!

Recovering The Most Expensive Item On Earth

Posted on Oct 16, 2023  | 
The Final Countdown Has Already Begun for BILLIONS of Lives

Artificial or Genuine Truth?

Posted on Oct 02, 2023  | 
When Sarah’s father and grandmother passed away, she was utterly heartbroken. Confused and uncertain, she began searching for true answers about the afterlife. And through the generosity of friends like you, she found the authentic Bible truth that transformed her faith forever. Thank you for leading people to Jesus by supporting the evangelistic ministry of Amazing Facts!

URGENT! Sharing the saving truth of prophecy while time remains!

Posted on Sep 01, 2023  | 
URGENT! Sharing the saving truth of prophecy while time remains!

Deliverance from Self-Destructive Devils

Posted on Aug 01, 2023  | 
Victoria was battling devils and was tempted to end her life. But through lifesaving messages presented by Amazing Facts on television, she found liberating truth that broke her chains of darkness. When you help make our evangelistic broadcasts available, you bring lasting hope to thousands of more longing souls like Victoria. Your compassionate gift today will absolutely make an eternal difference!

The Corner Stone of Creation

Posted on Jul 01, 2023  | 
Dara was confused by her high school biology class, which taught the theory of evolution. Fortunately, through Amazing Facts, she found reasons to believe in the Creation. You can help millions more wandering in darkness discover foundational truth about our beginnings through a simple but power-packed sharing resource when you generously support the evangelistic work of Amazing Facts. Thank you for uplifting the Creator—who is also the Savior!

Antidote for the Serpent’s Bite

Posted on May 30, 2023  | 
Hurting and alone, Amala desperately prayed for encouragement. That’s when she found Amazing Facts programs, translated into her Hindi tongue, on a station in India. It gave her hope and a new life. You can now provide more inspiring literature, TV programs, and internet ministry across vast countries like India when you support Amazing Facts evangelism. Thank you!