Can people really talk to the dead?

Scripture: Job 34:14-15, Ecclesiastes 9:5, 2 Corinthians 11:14
Can people really talk to the dead? The Bible clearly teaches we are not to attempt to talk to the dead. Humans who try to talk to the dead are really talking to demons who are fallen angels who impersonate the dead.
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My Family had never spoken to the dead im not really sure since but one time my grandma asked what mom said to my dad and grandpa who passed away... she said "happy father's day" to both of them i know i never spoke to the dead my whole life i accepted the loss and it has helped me moved on from the deaths of my grandpa and dad...
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My best friend can relay messages from the dead now all of the sudden. I know her very well and I guarantee she does not do Ny witchcraft etc. I told her what the Bible says but she doesn’t really talk to me anymore now. She does it for free on Facebook. I just don’t understand how this happened. She literally just started doing it.
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1 Samuel 28:7-20
Matthew 17:3 "Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared before them, talking with Jesus."
Communication with spirits is a fact and we have plenty of evidences about it around the world, both in the bible and outside the bible. We cannot continue denying it, it is a fact. There are proofs, evidences.
To assume that all communications with spirit beings who once lived on earth are demonic, it not entirely true. It has to be a general role, a universal truth. But we see that it is not.
1- We have in the bible in 1 Samuel 28:7-20, whereby king Saul wanted to communicate with the spirit of prophet Samuel and eventually the communication took place. Our problem is that the medium channelling with the prophet of God is labelled as a sorcerer in the bible, and that has made us to assume that it could not be the spirit of Samuel, but that of a demon. We now want to believe in our own inventions, because it suits our beliefs. The bible would have clearly stated that it was a demon camouflaged. So let's not use our assumptions as facts.
2- In the very bible, a similar event happened again, in Matthew 17:3, whereby the spirits of Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus and his disciples and they had a conversation. Should we say because it was with Jesus that is no longer the case, that Moses and Elijah were not the spirit of demons?
God's laws are universal laws. The possibility of such communication exist, not only in the case of Jesus, but with Samuel and Saul, and countless others in and out the bible, be it the spirit a demon or the one of a departed.
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Please read the scripture Like 16: 19-31.this scripture speaks about how the dead rich man begged for Lazarus to be sent to give him water and to go tell his family about hell.
If there was a way for the dead to communicate he would not have asked for Lazarus to go for him. But Abraham told him there was a wall (chasm) made to keep the dead in thier destinations. So there was no crossing over and talking or touching anyone beyond your destinations. The spirits(ghost, dead)as some people call them are demons.
The demons roam around earth all day every day the don't sleep. They know our every move since we were born. When a love one passes they have seen ur whole life. They can pretend to be a loved lost one because they knew their life. They do this to deceive u so that u believe something the Lord told u not to believe in. That is the thier job to decieve u. It's true people may have the gift to see things,but only what the Lord allows u to see. If u are a believer he wants u to consult him and see what this means. he may be telling something,but not the dead speaking to u something. Some people may see the dead (it's body form)but it will not be their love one ,but a demon in disguise. Remember these demons know every tell of our lives, because they been around so they know what to tell u to believe them but don't fall for it. GOD will reveal to u the truth just pray.
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Back in 2014 my boyfriend died in prison. I never got a chance to say goodbye. When I first found out I was working one of his friends called to tell me he was in jail, and for me to get in contact with him. The problem is I never did I was so upset at the fact that he went back to jail and left me I never wrote a letter or anything. I miss him so much and when I did go to write I found out he was deceased. Now I carry this guilt if only I wrote or if only I did this he wouldn't be dead. They say time heals all wounds 4 year's later I still feel the same as when I first heard he died. I need help it's hurting me because we didn't get closure.
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There is an account in 1 Samuel 28:7-20. Does it mean the spirit was a demon that talked to Saul?
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Lev 19:31 ‘Do not turn to mediums, and do not seek after spiritists to be defiled by them. I am יהוה your Elohim. Lev 20:6 ‘And the being who turns to mediums, and to spiritists, to go whoring after them, I shall set My face against that being and cut him off from the midst of his people. Ki 21:6 And he made his son pass through the fire, and practised magic, and used divination, and consulted spiritists and mediums. He did much evil in the eyes of יהוה, to provoke Him. Isa 8:19 And when they say to you, “Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,” should not a people seek their Elohim? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? Ecc 9:5 For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know naught, nor do they have any more reward, for their remembrance is forgotten.
Ecc 9:6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy have now perished; and they no longer have a share in all that is done under the sun. 2Co 11:14 And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light!
2Co 11:15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works!
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I have always heard spirits of the deceased, be it physically or telepathic, constant ringing in my ears when ignored. I could see them at the age of 2, I was twrrified.
I am curious about something though. We are called to bring people to Jesus in the physical realm. Aren't people in the spirit realm that have passed on in need of guiding to Jesus? And if so, how do we do so without disobeying?
I'm confused because in the bible it does say that talking to other spirits is taboo. But it also says test the spirit by the spirit. So which one is it?
Confused Baby Christian
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The short answer is, when someone dies it's too late to 'guide them to Jesus'. That's a Catholic belief, and not based in scripture.
You're referring to 1 John 4:1 I expect? That scripture is referring to the spirits influencing people, not necessarily talking to the spirit itself directly - though that can happen too. I encourage to never take a singular scripture on its own, but always read the surrounding scriptures for context. This scripture is talking about knowing the origin if a spirit through the discernment of the Holy Spirit.
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We have full ability to spiritualy connect with Souls. The concern is always about having the ability to decifer between the good spirits and dark spirits.
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That is a fact. Our problem is our beliefs. We believe that once a person is dead, he ceases to exist in both realms. Did not Jesus die? Did he not appear to his disciples thereafter? But we read about this evidences and yet, we hold to our old beliefs. Natural death is God's design, but the spirit does not die. The spirits are around us, be it good or evil. They communicate with us via dreams, telepathy, inspiration, voices in the head, physical appearances, etc. They influence our world on daily bases. Our struggle should not be to deny the possibility of such communication, but to be sensitive to it and welcome the good spirits and resist the evil ones.
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What religion do you believe in? I believe that is true too, but I am trying to find religions that teach this. Do you know of any?
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I think some people are able to talk to the dead, when my son died i went and saw a medium and she was able to tell me all about my son
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I will say a prayer for you and your son. But, did you read the header to this page? The Bible clearly teaches we are not to attempt to talk to the dead. Humans who try to talk to the dead are really talking to demons who are fallen angels who impersonate the dead. Your loving pain may be misguiding you. Stay away from any medium who is only feeding of your pain at least, if not directing you to the evil one. God bless you Kate.
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No people can't talk to dead but I know this sure can see I don't be looking for them
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I have seen them, and talked to them in dreams and not dreams. I do not have schizophrenia. I did get seen and evaluated because when I did see them, they had already left or were in the processes of leaving. But they live on spiritually. I have found out I have strong connection to those who passed. Its false when people say they pass on, no one's spirit truly passes on. They are always around the ones they love or cannot live without.
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So, cant talk to dead? What if I miss the deceased tremendously? No avenue created by God to communicate to dead & have to live the rest of the life without that person. Don't u think God is v selfish?
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God is not, the means to communicate with spirits is there, just that we are ignorant of it, we deny it and we fight against it. Jesus is a perfect example, he came from the spirit realm, he lived with us and later returned back to the spirit realm and he continued communicating with us from the spirit realm. This type of communication is possible with any deceased person, Jesus did not make and exception. The problem is that it is dangerous as well, because we can end up communicating with deceitful spirits, evil spirits.
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Lev 19:31 ‘Do not turn to mediums, and do not seek after spiritists to be defiled by them. I am יהוה your Elohim. Lev 20:6 ‘And the being who turns to mediums, and to spiritists, to go whoring after them, I shall set My face against that being and cut him off from the midst of his people. Ki 21:6 And he made his son pass through the fire, and practised magic, and used divination, and consulted spiritists and mediums. He did much evil in the eyes of יהוה, to provoke Him. Isa 8:19 And when they say to you, “Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,” should not a people seek their Elohim? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? Ecc 9:5 For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know naught, nor do they have any more reward, for their remembrance is forgotten.
Ecc 9:6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy have now perished; and they no longer have a share in all that is done under the sun. 2Co 11:14 And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light!
2Co 11:15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works!
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I experience my family who has passed on. God is not a selfish god. The deceased is still with you. In my family, when they pass it is such a shock, that our minds cannot solidify they are truly gone. I think if you still believe they are alive, their spirit has the opportunity to let you know they are gone and they are okay. When my Grandmother passed, my Aunt was in shock and heard her knocking "with her keys" just as she had done when living. And not completely understanding this, my Aunt opened the door, and said, "Hi, mom" but she didn't see anyone. And when it finally occurred she was truly gone seconds after, she cried and realized her mom/my Grandmother was saying she is still around spiritually.
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My finance died March 28, 2017 stage 4 colon cancer spread to liver..I took care of him since 2013..I don't know how over come this I have his ashes I just don't know how to get over this point
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Hi Clarissa I myself lost my wife to ovarian cancer a little over a year ago I understand your pain. I truly lost the love of my life and even though it's been a year the pain of her loss has never subsided, I've just learned how to control the emotional wave of grief that comes periodically throughout the day, I hope that you find the strength to help you get through this difficult time. You are in my thoughts and prayers....
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My mum and dad died recently , i looked after them so much , and the rest of the family were all fighting over money and stealing yes stealing ! of them, the worst was having to try and sort out my feelings , i really hate them my brothers and sisters that is, how can people behave this way over money? i have always had little and got by , it made mum and dad so sad as they new no one was talking, some never even went to the funeral, 4 months later and it is starting to hit me like a 30 ton truck , im depressed all the time don't want to get out of bed, i hate my doctor he is not interested, just gives you tablets and that's it, they make me feel worse, i hate life, even my parents grave is a mess no one cares.
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Hey Clarissa ...I know this is random but it's's okay to feel hurt it's okay to feel lost .because something that huge takes time to heal,I know right now it feels as if God didn't want him to live thats not the case.God loves you and still loves your fiancé very much. What you need to do is is you need to speak to God and ask him to heal you ,ask for healing ,ask for comfort,ask God to give you guidance and ask him to place someone in your life to help you out,
"Ask and you shall receive ,seek and you shall find,knock and the door will be open unto you"
Ask God and he will answer you,maybe not in words but maybe through a sign or in a reading or from a person. just be open to God and he will help you.
Stay super strong!God loves you so much!
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First and foremost Trust in the Lord and Pray to Him that created us all from the beginning. I wished I knew the words to console you but I don't have that gift of speech. ... however, no matter what, you need to accept it and go on with your own life. I doubt that he would have wanted you to be in sadness for the rest of your life. Yes? So, it is high time for you to snap out of it and get on with ur own precious life and enjoy; and don't forget to pray for him to The Lord. God Bless.
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Is it a sin to name a new born baby after the dead?
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Dear David, I think we should reconsider the meaning of sin. Sin is any thought or act that is contrary to God's universal laws. And I do not think naming somebody after a deceased one could be regarded as a contradiction to God's laws.
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Why would it be a sin. Nobody knows the first names of babies from before, just whats written in the BIble or other scriptures. It's not a sin at all. Name away.
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Thank you for your question, David. We just want you to know that if you'd like to get an answer directly from the team at Amazing Facts, please fill out this form here: God bless you!
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Matthew 7:7
New American Standard Bible
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
When asked about this the first thing comes to mind is, ask and talk to God about it ! Ask and seek God out if you have questions or thoughts to share with people who are no longer with us. My advice is pray about it first, though. This is very important. Ask God humbly to hear your prayer and to know your heart. This pretty much takes care of the rest. When you pray this opens up God's channels to better help you because of your willingness to show faith in him by asking.
Not that God need this channel, we do. God is unfailing. We are the ones that need the channel.
After you have prayed about these questions or comments you have for the deceased, go straight to your Bible. When it's quiet, and you know that you can have some private time undisturbed, pray again with your Bible in hand or near you. Ask God for the answers and ask Him to guide your heart, hands, and your mind, then open your Bible. Read where you first turn, and don't expect answers right away, just begin reading and in time either the words from His Word will give you clues or you will eventually somehow find yourself coming up with the answers yourself. Simply like any other notions that pop into one's mind. I realise how strange this might sound to some because the Bible isn't a deck of tarot cards. I'm not using it in that manner. That is not what i mean however there are references that relate to us all one way or another throughout the entire Bible. Despite how random this sounds, God will lead you to the correct reference if you ask Him with a faithful heart. It might not make sense right away but usually in a relatively short time later, either an answer comes or i suddenly no longer feel the need for the answer. God really does work in mysterious ways. This really works in my experiences. Not to say it will with all. Sometimes God wants us to find answers on our own as this can sometimes be what helps build our faith and character. Also our relationship with Him! With more than just questions about the dead but also questions about life choices, pretty much everything! God enjoys us coming to Him for these things. It's the way i have been able to get closer to Him and understand better what tough choices to make when i'm in indecision. If you have faith in God there is always a way if you REMAIN faithful! Faith is most important. If you don't believe that God will answer you with your entire heart, He won't. Not because He doesn't want to but because you don't believe enough. Doing this has helped strengthen my faith. Your faith is what will bring the answers.
Referring to Your bible is not the only way to do it, you can find God's answers in many different ways. Just remember to know the difference between asking God and testing God. Testing God is never cool !! Ever! If your mind or heart feels doubt and you use this just to see if God will answer to have proof of a revelation to yourself or others that's not having faith. God doesn't answer unfaithful people and prayers. Nor does He tolerate that behavior. So what i mean is, pay close attention to the strength of your faith before you go looking for answers. How you ask is very important. Sometimes just simply asking Him is enough. Just don't stop there. Seek and ye shall find.
Also if you have messages you want to send to someone deceased, i honestly have no idea how that would work but if you feel the need as long as you are faithful in doing so, i highly doubt God would mind you asking Him to help them to know or see what is in your heart for them somehow, some way, or some time. With God, time and things work differently from what our frail human minds can comprehend.
Just remember have faith, ask and seek. It says so more than once throughout His Word. Hope this helps! God Bless and may faith in Christ be with you!
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Nope. Not correct. If I'm speaking to the dead or is the dead I'm speaking to not some satanic spirit.
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You can talk alone to the dead if you want to but there is nothing Scriptural that says it is okay to do so. Just the opposite ... the Bible expressively forbids you to use any other spiritual medium (period)
The bottom line is, who are you going to trust most, the Lord or just another strange spirit that you think is of the dead? It IS UR choice, UR life and your Eternity which is at stake while you are still living.
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You are correct. The Bible says we are not to consult the dead. If you can not get peace in Jesus Christ alone who was raised from the dead by the power of God then you are most miserable. A spirit form appeared of my mother- an exact replica of her in white apparel- it didn't speak verbally but telepathically- at first I was amazed and caught off guard but then I began to call on the name of Jesus in my mind and that spirit left as quickly as it appeared. I will never forget it. The enemy will attempt to fascinate is with strange occurrences to get us to follow him but we must always follow God.
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Not all spirits are evil, that is why the bible says we should test the spirit. You did a good thing in invoking the name of Jesus, that was testing the spirit if it was of God.
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I do find most things people say is false. I have a strong connection to the dead. There spirits are not bad or harmful. But like in all, Evil exists, too. If you go qugi boarding then yes, it allows Evil spirits to join in, too. Stay away from garbage like that. It's not good and you'd need to be strong because it's basically asking for all spirits to come.
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WE ALL HAVE EVIL IN US starting from Adam and Eve whether we like it or not. We CANNOT just pretend that we are good (no sin in you) and believe that we will go to heaven just because we did good in this life.
Since you have already chosen your destiny path by saying that you "have" a strong connection to the dead ... let me confirm to you that if it is NOT of God it IS sinful (period)
I hope you change your ways and instead LET YOUR SOUL SEE THE LIGHT before your time is up.
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you ppl might find all this confusing and weird but im reaching out for answers not judgment if the dragon shows himself to you what does that mean and if lots of demons in different shapes like lozerds and reptiles seems also hangout what if you can also see a long translusent cord from the roof to the floor and if you put your hand under it some thing makes your hand vibrate please answer
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You need to get in touch with a good and wise pastor, who can get to know you and your particular situation better, and with God's grace guide you through it. What area do you live in? I have connections through my church and may be able to point you to a really helpful pastor/church. May God bless you and deliver you.
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I'm still a little confused... they say that when you die,, u sleep until HE calls u home.. if u REALLY THINK ABOUT THIS PART I'M GOING TO TEXT.....It's confusing ME. All the ppl that have passed since Adam and Eve time,,, millions of lives that have passed,, since and after,, they claim we sleep till He calls us,, where are all those ppl going to b??????? All the innocence that has been killed tortured murdered etc,, where are all those ppl up till Judgement day are all going to be?? Idk if there is an afterlife,, if we get resurrected, if we are going to meet our loved ones again.. our mindss are blank. To think we get knowledge back to look for loved ones in the afterlife.. I don't doubt the Bible, sure there is some facts to it.. I'm jus saying as an opinion and no where near a fact..... that the bible was written and rewritten to give the works some type of hope and meaning to why we all are here and to give ppl hope that when we leave this place,, we go on to a better place if we believe.. we reunite with the ones we loved.. what happens when we loved someone tell and they didn't love us at that time,,, what happens?? I have questions for miles that NOONE can answer.. only give their OPINIONS. NOTHING is truly a fact no matter where it is written. I believe in a highest brewing but I just lost faith that there is nothing left of u when u die. It's done forever.. u became and now ur gone.. permanently. No afterlife, no life after death, no existence anywhere.. I do not mean to sound harsh or cruel.. jus an opinion.
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The Triune God is Love. He sent his son, Jesus to die for our sins. When we pass away, Christian's believe we go to Heaven or Hell immediately. The Catholics believe in purgatory...a holding place where people pray You into Heaven. I do not. Faith is believing. Believing for me is believing in one true God and that is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. THAT is my true Salvation. This, I believe the Bible to be absolutely true through Faith. We can do nothing accept through Him, because we are sinners. His blood on the cross forgives our sins and cleanses our souls. He is the way, the truth and he life! And now, I have witnessed to you my Faith.
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Everything u say is true all these church n Bible readers Are scared because they know it's possible so all they have to offer is hope. Here's a fact when I dream my soul travels At first I didn't want to believe but It's true it started with me having dejavu and my 3rd grade teacher told me it was because my soul traveled at night at some point during my adulthoodmy dreams became very vivid b4. I KNEW IT I was talking to dead people lmao Oh that wasn't the craziness It was what they would tell me is what drove me here. There is another place. There is death but I'm not sure if there is heaven or hell from what Ive seen this place is one
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we don't have to understand the "how" all this happens. We CAN figure it out and say "now we know."
However, we do have to think about the" why." Why do we "sleep"?
This is not an opinion - we don't have a term for "leave this dimension"
so the Bible calls it sleep because our bodies are at rest - not moving - just decaying or burned or preserved but not moving.
If you REALLY want FACTS,
then you have to accept that this world around us as reality.
If you don't
then you have to accept that we are in a "game program." There are only 2 choices.
Either this is all real and the people are corrupt,
this is all a corrupt illusion and life is what is real.
Either way,
the Bible says that God thinks you are important enough to keep you around, even in another dimension.
If we cannot have an afterlife
then Jesus lived a lie.
If we can have an afterlife,
then Jesus did come back after he was crucified.
You gotta believe in one or the other.
Bless you !
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Being called up means we will be taken into heaven those whom are alive and believe in Christ as when you die you go as Christ did unto the lord. We don't say here any wait to be taken. That's one verse and many other verses that support that we go straight to heaven if we beieve and have accept Christ as our savior and lord
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So can someone explain then why Jesus told the theif on the cross that TODAY he will be in paradise? That tells me he is going to heaven, not sleeping. I believe the ones that are sleeping are the ones that died before Jesus was crucified for our sins and the new covenant was put in place. Those people did not have the atonement for their sins as we do with Jesus Christ.
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Jesus didn't go to heaven that day. He was in the grave and when He was resurrected he went out and told Mary not to touch Him because He had not ascended to His Father! He wasn't with the thief because the thief was still in the grave and if you think he went to heaven, Jesus wasn't there with him either, He was still on earth.
Punctuation didn't come in til after the Bible was written. The line Jesus said was:
"I say to you TODAY, you will" (not)
"I say to you, TODAY you will"
See where that comma is? It makes all the difference. He was saying it that day.
In Ecc 9:5 it says "for the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward for the memory of them is forgotten." So they're in the grave waiting for the resurrection day when Jesus will come and quicken them to life if they are believers.
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Once you are saved by Jesus, you are already in Paradise is the way I see it.
We die twice; once in the flesh at the end of our lives, and the second death is of the Spirit (separation from God) on The Day of The Lord.
So, once you are saved ... your are spared from Judgement; and you ARE already in Paradise is the way I think? BECAUSE, being in CHRIST you already SHOULD KNOW that U R saved. YES?
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You're on the right track, and you're technically right. But "Paradise" isn't heaven. Do a little research on what Paradise is, and you'll better understand the whole setup. It's well worth knowing.
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Hi, Cher. We have a full Study Guide that deals with this subject: Toward the end, under "Thought Questions," you will find the question about the thief on the cross. You can also visit for more information. God bless you!
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Ok so please explain to me how I can see and talk to people who died before I was born
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would you be able to talk to someone I've lost in my past?
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these demons know all about you and your family. Better to show up as someone who might be related to you than to show itself to you. Rebuke them..if you don't believe me..have them say Jesus name..they wont and they cannot. That's how you know they are not of God.
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Nooo. It's all love and light. I'm sorry you are so scared
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Dead people don't talk...i wish there would be an afterlife but unfortunately I doubt it..
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I hate to tell all of you but the bible was made up by King James to control his people back 3400 years ago. Do you think that a supreme being is going to walk around mere humans. Go and look how big earth is. We are a tiny spec in the universe you really cannot even see our planet. If God wanted us to follow him then he would not of made the bible in riddles. Each country had their own version of the bible. Revelation sounds like someones night mare. Do you think a supreme being would come down here and get a peasant girl pregnant. come on. You and others have been brained washed. Times have changed they didn't have communication back then that bible was written for people with out the things we have now..TV bars stores we are more tempted with things now a days come one a book that was written 3400 years ago. Even class room books get up dated. Your following an out date book that the people believed in in that time period. You don't even know if it is true. Your going by what some one else has told you. How can you follow a 3400 year old book that was written in another language you have been brain washed. Just saying 40 men wrote the bible who is to say they didn't put their ideas in it.
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The Holy Bible is the living word of God. It is Holy Inspiration of God. All truth! The Bible will last forever! It is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it. Their is a Heaven to gain and a Hell to lose! Accept Christ as your saviour today and go to Heaven instantly at death. Deny Christ you will die in your sins, and your sole will go instantly to Hell. It is your choice!
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I'm so sorry you believe this. This isn't what Christ teaches at all
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What an excellent comment from a demonic spirit telling you what to say Judy. It is disappointing you are unable to recognize the difference between what the Word of God or Truth is and a deceiving spirit.
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As someone else stated - the King James Bible wasn't around until 1611.
It wasn't even the first Bible.
And you would know that 40 men didn't just put their ideas in there if you actually studied it, instead of relying on what others have told you about it.
We follow it because we have studied it, and we can see for ourselves that it is the truth.
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But why wouldn't god want to show his power if he was to be born by a virgin. If he was born like the rest of us, how would that show him as a man of such power?
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Virgin doesn't mean what we think it does. It just meant unwed
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Okay Judy lets go over this in a couple different aspects okay?
First science has proven that the universe could not exsist without help from a higher power they cant prove it was nessasarly the God we all have came to visualise but there needed to be something that made the big bang happen basically the big bang is a nucular explosion and created life out of it which science has proved two particals on there own will never move fast enough or have enough force to create such an explosion that it creates life from it so yes there is some sort of "God" out there weither its a man in the clouds looking over us from heaven we will never know until we die
Second is fairly quick but hate to break it to ya but King James published the Holy Bible King james version in 1611 now my math says thats 406 years NOT 3400
Thirdly the bible we all have read isnt the exact words of god there just different translations of the original scrolls, scriptures, the 10 commandments this is why there are hundreds of religions in the world but in every single translation they all speak of a God or Gods either way there is a higher power out there and this higher power never wants to see us suffer or force us to do anything they all say the same thing dont sin so dont commit adultury, sex before marriage, dont kill people there basic rules so i dont understand why u have an issue with the bible its not controlling anyone its a way of giving the people the feeling of bless and feeling safe weither u think its stupid or not someone out there uses the bible and their beliefs as a way of comfort so who are you to judge them and mock their religion?
Fourth have you ever read the bible? Have you ever been in a situation where u had no one you were alone and the only person you could turn to in your hour of need is God? Have you ever been to Church as an adult? Have you ever talked to your local father?
If not i urge you to just give it a try, appoligize for your sins and God will forgive you, ask him if your on the right path and he will give you the feeling of bliss and youll feel one with your soul just give it a try if you feel nothing then hey you tried but everyone needs someone they can turn to no matter what happens.
God bless you
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King James wasn't around 3,400 years ago. If you truly believe that God's followers are just brainwashed and confused, then you shouldn't have a Christmas tree and presents on December 25. The answer to your question, of how we follow this ancient holy book, is because w have faith. Faith alone is what keeps any religion strong, and I am sorry that you aren't able to experience this, for I have seen holy miracles and i am only a teenager. You are entitled to your opinion, but please don't go criticizing ours...... especially on a religious website that doesn't exactly make sense for you to be on.
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Well as for Christmas .... that is a pagen holiday that was stolen by the church in order to control the people, because they wanted power more than truth
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Amen brother
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Reading that actually just made me laugh. So you said it's made by King James. Then you said 3400 years ago. That alone just makes you either stupid or misled. And are you trying to tell us how God thinks? He's way more smarter than reasonable humans and wayyy more smarter than you. God wanted the Bible to be written this way. Who are you to question this? And they didn't have communication back then? Are you saying writing was only invented in the common era or something. Back then things were as sophisticated as today, just minus electricity. They had proper society, government, justice systems and communtication means. Just cause it was back then doesn't make them stupid. And if you read a proper translation of the Bible it obviously is written for the people of those days. Oh wait. Never mind. You said it was an outdated book? See. Your whole argument counters your arguments. You've been "brain-washed" by the internet.
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Well what about the dead u can see?.........
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Hi, Joi. See our Study Guide here for more information— If you'd like to get an answer directly from the team at Amazing Facts, please fill out this form here: God bless you!
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I only see 24 chapters in the book of Luke. What bible version are you using. I'm using the KJV.
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I apologize, it's 1 Samuel 28:1-25.
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That whole chapter could be seen as a demon pretending to be Samuel because it says that king Saul "precived" that Samuel was the one talking because of how the witch discribed the spirit's appearance. It reads as if she is the only one who could see the spirit. If it is really Samuel then how would you reconcile the other verses in the bible that pastor Doug mentioned in the audio clip? If it is really Samuel then wouldn't the bible be contradicting itself?
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Lords that can talk to the dead but we can not but god is a human and us how did that can be diffirent
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Kathy, I too used to believe that. But the Lords Word clearly teaches that the dead know nothing. They are "asleep" their "breath" has returned to God, not to be given back until Judgment Day, where one will either be given Eternal Life, or perish forever. I try to make my friends who think their loved one is still around giving them signs are demons. In the Bible, the only dead people Jesus ever spoke too were, the ones Jesus spoke to and they entered the pigs and jumped off the cliffs. Hope that helps. Oh, one more thing, if Heaven is paradise after we die, how could our deceased loved ones be happy in Heaven if they are still able to see us here on Earth, see our struggles, our pain...I for one would not be happy in Heaven seeing my loved ones struggle.
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John 11:25 - Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
John 5:24 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
Luke 23:43 - And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
1 Corinthians 15:51-57 - Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, (Read More...)
John 16:22 - And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.
Philippians 3:20-21 - For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: (Read More...)
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. (Read More...)
Hebrews 9:27 - And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
2 Corinthians 5:8 - We are confident, [I say], and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Proverbs 12:28 - In the way of righteousness [is] life; and [in] the pathway [thereof there is] no death.
Romans 10:9-13 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Read More...)
Acts 24:15 - And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.
Revelation 20:1-15 - And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. (Read More...)
John 5:28-29 - Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, (Read More...)
John 14:1-31 - Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (Read More...)
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I am so confused. I have always believed that our loved ones who have passed can hear us and see us and that we can communicate with them. But as I read more of the bible, I learn that after death, they are asleep until resurrection and will not hear or see anything earthly. This has been very difficult emotionally because I took such peace in believing that my parents would always be with me. My sister wanted to see a medium but I am reading that God warns of the imposters and he forbids this activity. Can anyone share something that I might be missing in all of this. Is my interpretation accurate that our loved ones, once dead, are not waiting for us in heaven but are instead sleeping until God calls us all home?
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The love you have for a departed loved one will never leave you while on this earth. So, in that sense, they live on.
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Yes they and your loved ones are asleep, though this verse might help you as well from the words of Christ: John 11:11 "These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep."
And from Paul : 1Thess. 4:13-17 "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive
and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are
16 For
the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice
of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ
shall rise first:
17 Then
we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in
the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with
the Lord."
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What bible verses tell that it was actually Samuel and not a spirit? And what book says that Samuel spoke after he was dead? Is it a book in the bible?
Caller: I have a question about these people that claim they can talk to the dead. These other people who can, like, find out how somebody was murdered. What’s the truth behind that?

Pastor Doug: Well, the Bible is clear that—Isaiah 8 tells us—that we should not consult those who claim to be able to talk to the dead. The law of Moses said that all that do that would be executed because it’s dabbling in diabolical, cultish demon-communication.

Caller: Oh, they can? Is that why you’re saying ‘stay away’?

Pastor Doug: No. What the person is doing is they’re communicating with demons.

Caller: Not with someone who’s dead?

Pastor Doug: Yes. Mortals do not have the power of resurrection. Even people inspired by the devil cannot communicate with the dead. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus tells us there is a great gulf fixed between those two dimensions. When humans try to consult with the dead, what they’re going to end up talking to is demons, fallen angels that are impersonating departed dead ones.

That’s why it says in, I believe, it’s 2 Corinthians 11, even Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. So we are told it is absolutely forbidden for Christians even to venture to talk to people who claim to talk to the dead. The Bible says ‘The living know that they will die, it’s very clear but the dead know not anything’, that’s Ecclesiastes 9. So anyone who says they’re talking to the dead—let me give you one more: Job 34:14,15—are you writing this down, Dave?

Caller: I will.

Pastor Doug: Job 34:14,15 says ‘If he sets his heart upon man, if he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath, all flesh shall perish together, and man shall again return to the dust’. Actually that’s not the one I was looking for. It tells us ‘His sons come to honor and he knows it not’, speaking of a dead person.

He doesn’t know what’s happening unto his house. He shall not return again’. You can read Job 34:14,15 and Job 27:3—there’s a number of verses that deal with the subject of death that make it very clear that the dead don’t know anything that we’re not supposed to be talking to them—not until they’re resurrected. Okay?

Caller: Okay. Thank you.

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