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The Cosmic Conflict

The Cosmic Conflict

The theme of a cosmic conflict, in which the kingdom of God is opposed by the devil and his angels, is not one that we can neglect without missing a great deal of what the biblical narratives are about. The Gospels alone are filled with references to the devil and demons who oppose God. This week,

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The Law of the Lamb, Pt. 1

The Law of the Lamb, Pt. 1

How do Christians relate to the Ten Commandments without being legalists? Is obedience legalism? Part 1 of 2

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Five Principles for Biblical Healing

Five Principles for Biblical Healing

God’s original plan was that we would live forever. But because of sin, sickness and death came in. We want to be as healthy as we can, as long as we can. It’s easier to serve God when you’re in good health. God designed us to want to live forever. That is why the most important healing is spir

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One of the Most Important Memorials of History

With Joe Crews

One of the Most Important Memorials of History
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Pastor Doug's Newsletter

An Exciting TV Comeback!

INSP has invited Amazing Facts back onto their giant network on Sunday mornings! You can reach thousands more for Christ with last-day truth every week when you support TV evangelism. This prime timeslot is when many are searching for Christian teaching. It’s time to uplift truth to more people in our dark and broken world. Thank you!

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Featured Product

Moving Mountains: A Daily Devotional

Moving Mountains: A Daily Devotional

Moving Mountains is about getting back to the Bible and listening to God's voice better. It is filled with hundreds of amazing facts about the world in which we live—facts that will engage the reader and provide a fun and practical devotional experience for each day of the year.
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AF Blog

Aviation Disasters: Finding Faith in Tragedy

Despite our broken world consumed by tragedy, if we choose to trust God, He will provide the support we need when life doesn’t make sense—and grant us an infinitely better future.

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Testimonies of Changed Lives

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