Chapter 4 speaks of observing special days and such as 'beggarly elements'. If this is the case, is... |
This caller asks if spiritual gifts are available to the church today. More specifically are dramati... |
Are Christian holidays really biblical? There is no command to celebrate Christmas and Jesus probabl... |
Are Christians Messianic Jews? If not, what is the difference between a Christian and a Messianic Je... |
Is one of the greatest dangers to the church people who take the name of Christ but live like the de... |
In Jeremiah chapter 10 it seems to be speaking about Christmas trees. Are they idolatrous?... |
Are dinosaurs Satan's counterfeit creatures from before the flood? Pastor Doug believes they existed... |
Do Christians worship three Gods or one?... |
Who is Michael the Archangel in the Bible? Is this Jesus? Jesus is certainly not an angel and Michae... |
Is Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit one and the same? No, since Christ at His baptism prays to the Fa... |
Are Lucifer's angels in chains right now? For practical purposes they are restricted to this world. ... |
In Ezekiel chapter 32 it seems to indicate that those who have died will be able to speak from hell.... |
Can the sins of parents be passed down from generation to generation? Exodus 20 speaks of 'visiting ... |
Has the law been done away with? Since we are under grace do we still need to obey it?... |
Are the Egyptians that the Israelites were delivered from the same Egyptians that made the pyramids?... |
In Matthew chapter 24 it speaks of the sun being darkened and the stars falling from heaven. Will th... |
Are there three heavens? The Hebrews spoke of three heavens. The first is where the birds fly, the s... |
Does the Bible warn us about false teachers who say we do not need to keep the commandments? 2 Peter... |
Is it possible for someone who ended their own life to be in heaven? Are there any Bible passages o... |
Are we accountable for what we don't know? Well, it depends on whether we turned away from the oppor... |
Are we coming back to earth after Satan's reign? The Bible says the meek will inherit the earth. Whe... |
At the end of time what will happen to those who are not part of the 144,000? Will they be destroyed... |
Is it really necessary to join with a body of like-minded believers in regular worship services? Do... |
Can a person who loses their mental abilities lose their salvation? Some people who experience accid... |
Do we have the option to be 'perfect' like Christ? Is it even something to be considered to fully ov... |
If Jesus is God, how can He also be the Son of God? The marriage union illustrates the oneness of Go... |
Are people born gay? Is there a such thing as a gay gene? If so, what would the spiritual implicatio... |
Can people be saved after the rapture occurs? Pastor Doug explains that when Christ comes there will... |
Can people really talk to the dead? The Bible clearly teaches we are not to attempt to talk to the d... |
In Matthew 12 Jesus speaks of Satan casting out Satan. What does this mean? And what does it mean wh... |
Will a person be lost if they don't keep all ten of the Ten Commandments? If so, how is that not leg... |
Can the dead come back and visit us? Doesn't the witch of Endor prove a dead person can speak to us?... |
Can we sin in our thoughts if we don't put them into action? Jesus says in Matthew 5 that in our hea... |
Can we take the book of Revelation literally? Revelation has a literal implication, but there are sy... |
According to Isaiah 66, New Moons and Sabbaths will be observed in the new earth. What does it mean ... |
Do I have grounds for remarriage? What does the Bible say? Matthew 5 lays out grounds for divorce. T... |
Did God create the entire solar system when He created the earth? Pastor Doug shares that on the fou... |
Did the Israelites have moral standards before the Ten Commandments were given from Mt. Sinai? The l... |
In Judges 11 Jephthah makes a vow to offer as a sacrifice whatever came out of his house after God g... |
In Matthew chapter 16 Jesus seems to give the keys to the kingdom of heaven to Peter and He speaks o... |
In Matthew chapter 18 Jesus mentions that we should forgive 70 x 7 times. Is this a reference to th... |
Did Moses and Elijah go directly to heaven when they died? There is evidence in Jude that Moses was ... |
Did Satan tempt Christ to commit suicide? Jesus' three temptations cover all temptations. Suicide is... |
Did the Bible stories really happen like Adam and Eve, Noah's ark and Jonah and the whale? The Bible... |
Did the Bible stories really happen? This is the second in a two-part question. This broadcast conti... |
Who did the Witch of Endor call up from the dead? Was it actually the dead prophet Samuel?... |
In the new earth, 'all flesh' will come to worship God on Sabbath. Does this include angels and the ... |
If you're generally a good person, when you die do you go directly and immediately to heaven? What ... |
Do near death experiences reveal truth about the spiritual world? Never base your understanding on a... |
In Daniel chapter 12 it speaks of people being resurrected. If they are resurrected, does that mean... |
Non-believers sometimes point to Old Testament laws, like stoning adulterers, as evidence that they ... |
Do we have to pay tithe according to the New Testament? It's important to ask if these Old Testament... |
If God has a plan for our lines,do we no longer have a free choice? The Bible tells us we are to cho... |
In Isaiah chapter 45 it says that God is the Creator of evil? What does this mean? Isn't God only ... |
Does God judge governments, and if so on what basis? The Bible says God does judge governments.... |
Does Jeremiah 10 speak against Christmas trees? It actually speaks of making a wooden idol. People c... |
Who will be with Jesus when He returns to take His people home?... |
Verse six seems to indicate that we don't need to regard certain days. And verse 5 seems to say tha... |
Does anointing people with oil mentioned in James 5 who are sick still apply today? Sure it applies.... |
Does the Bible have anything to say about Native Americans? Genesis 11 tells us the whole earth was ... |
Does the Bible say Christians shouldn't gamble? The Bible says we need to be faithful with our money... |
There are some who teach that we should not eat certain kinds of meat but doesn't the Bible say in t... |
Does the Bible say that Satan will impersonate Christ at the end? The Bible says false Christ's will... |
Does the Bible say that tithing is required of Christians today? Everything belongs to God. We ackno... |
What does it mean to judge? 'Thou shalt not judge' is a verse that is probably quoted more than ot... |
Does the Bible say women should not be preachers? Paul does speak of some issues with women, but not... |
Is it ok to cross-dress? Does the Bible have anything to say about this?... |
Does the Bible support a pre-tribulation or post-tribulation? There are many Scripture stories of Go... |
Does the Bible tell us exactly who to marry? The Bible gives guidelines for the type of person to ma... |
Does the 'holy laughter' movement have any support in Scripture?... |
Was the prohibition against eating fat and blood a part the Old Covenant and only applicable to the ... |
Elaborate on Bible texts which show there is not a secret rapture. A careful reading of Matthew 24 p... |
Elaborate on Jesus as the 2nd Adam and the 6,000 year theory. There have been 6,000 approximately si... |
No government can survive without the last six of the ten commandments, but when a government seeks ... |
Does the Bible say who was included in this resurrection and did they ascend afterwards into heaven?... |
What happened in 1844? What was the significance of it and is there a sanctuary in heaven?... |
Explain Biblical guidelines for sex in marriage? Bible teaches that sex is more than for procreation... |
Explain dietary guidelines on clean and unclean meats. The Bible does talk about clean and unclean a... |
Explain dual application prophecy and the relation to typology. God does not function in the linear ... |
If Jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday, how could He have been in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nigh... |
Explain how Samuel's spirit appeared to Saul in 1 Samuel 28? The Bible says to never go to a witch, ... |
What did Jesus mean when He spoke of some not dying until they saw the kingdom of Heaven?... |
Explain in John 3 on being born by water and the Spirit. If a person believes in the Lord and the Bi... |
Explain Jesus' instructions regarding using swords. There is a misunderstanding of Jesus' words in t... |
What does the Bible mean when it says, 'to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord'? ... |
Explain the meanings of the messages to the seven churches in Revelation. There are three meanings t... |
Explain the parable of the rich man and Lazarus and the eternal hell fire. If we try to interpret th... |
Explain the secret rapture and the Bible references for it. It is true that we will be carried away ... |
Could you explain the trinity? There are many references in the Bible to three distinct beings, yet ... |
Explain what the word apostle means. Today we think of an apostle as one of Jesus' followers. It sim... |
Should divorce be allowed in the case when abuse is present be it physical, mental, or emotional? W... |
How can a Christian be secure in the judgment? Christians around the world struggle in their walk wi... |
How can I feel God answering my prayers? Elijah's experience in the wilderness teaches us that even ... |
How can I pray for some money? The Bible tells a story about a woman in great financial need. Elisha... |
How can Jesus leave us peace, but also say he came not to bring peace? Christ did not come to bring ... |
How can the smoke of a sinners' torment rise forever? If we take this literally, it would be a hideo... |
How can we tell the false from the true Christ's appearing? The Bible gives us several indicators to... |
How could God destroy the earth by the great flood? It broke God's heart when He saw how far mankind... |
How could the apostles be accused of getting drunk on new wine? You can't get drunk on grape juice. ... |
How did God get there in the first place if there was nothing here? That's a good question and if an... |
How did Jesus heal the blind man in Mark 10? God knows what we need before we ask. Jesus asked what ... |
How did we come across the different races in the world? Some people have speculated that Noah's thr... |
How do I encourage people to trust in God? The story of Job shows us how to trust God in difficult t... |
How do we know the 144,000 aren't literal Jews from the 12 tribes? I believe they are not literal Je... |
How do we know the Bible is accurate in origin and translation? There are basically three manuscript... |
The seven-day weekly cycle has remained constant throughout history, is a strong argument for the Bi... |
How do you balance forgiveness and righteous anger? Turning the other cheek deals with interpersonal... |
How do you explain that the dead can not speak to the living? You need to be very gentle with people... |
How do you know if you are called into the ministry? First, you will have evidence in your heart tha... |
How do you know if you have true faith? If you are feeding your soul everyday with the Word of God, ... |
God has given us clear divisions of time, including our 24-hour days, so keeping the Sabbath, even i... |
How do you renew your mind when you've fallen away from God? If you come to God the way you are, the... |
How does a pastor have a balanced life? It is a challenge. You need to have a good partner if you ar... |
How does a person fast? Don't go without water. Talk to your physician. There are different ways to ... |
How does Romans 14 fit with biblical direction to avoid unclean meat? The issue of clean and unclean... |
How does the Lord guide us in finding a mate? Put this before the Lord. God found a mate for Isaac a... |
How does the mark of the beast relate to buying and selling? References in Scripture to the 'hand an... |
How does the Trinity work? Moses wrote how God is one, but also wrote of how a husband and wife beco... |
How far should a Christian go to forgive? We should forgive no matter how someone responds. Christ f... |
How good are the newer versions of the Bible? Yes there are definitely dangers to be aware of. I pre... |
Proverbs chapter 11 speaks of the safety in having a multitude of counselors. Doesn't God speak to ... |
How long did Jesus stay on earth after his resurrection? We know from the Bible that Jesus ascended ... |
Are both heaven and hell eternal?... |
How many of each animal did Noah take on the ark? It talks about two categories of animals, clean an... |
Do our loved ones know when we're visiting their gravesite? Do they hear us when we speak to them?... |
Is the earth really millions or billions of years old?... |
How to balance church unity with sound doctrine? Is it safe to unite when we compromise doctrine? Sh... |
How will the Lord provide in the last days when we can neither buy nor sell? Like the Israelites who... |
If a good person dies without accepting Jesus, will they be in heaven? There are people in the world... |
If a person could be cloned, would all of the clones go to heaven?... |
If God is jealous, isn't He imperfect? It is normal to be grieved by a wandering spouse. The problem... |
If God knew Adam and Eve would sin, why did He test them? Parents do not get a written guarantee tha... |
Could a slow death still be considered suicide? If my meds are all that are keeping me alive and I ... |
If interpreted, is it still biblical to speak in tongues today? I believe that there are counterfeit... |
Did God plan that Judas was born for the purpose of betraying Jesus and then Judas would be thrown i... |
If no one but the Son of Man has gone to heaven, how could Enoch have gone to heaven? You need to lo... |
If we are living in the last days, should I stay in school? We can know Jesus is coming soon, but we... |
If we have back slidden, is it possible to regain our salvation? We have examples in the Bible of Ch... |
Though we are under grace, freed from the penalty of the Law, we still need to keep God’s Ten Comman... |
In heaven, do the leaves from the tree of life heal our sinful cravings? After the resurrection and ... |
In the Apostles' Creed, why does it say Jesus descended into hell? The Apostle's Creed is not Script... |
Is a red heifer sacrifice a sign of the end times to the Jews?... |
Is abortion o.k. if the life of the mother is at risk? There is a reference in Scripture about someo... |
Is circumcision still required today? In Acts 15 the Jerusalem Council gave summary advice to the Ge... |
Is God pro choice or pro life? Human life is sacred. An unborn baby is sacred to God no matter what ... |
Is hell eternal? There are two principal views among Christians. It is clear the wicked will be puni... |
In Isaiah chapter 58 it says that we should not do our own pleasure on God's holy day. What does thi... |
The first day of the week has no special significance anywhere in the Bible, and it is not a sin to ... |
Is it a sin to worry? It can be. The Bible tells us to not be anxious for anything. Jesus said not t... |
Is it biblical to remarry if one is divorced? The Bible teaches in 1 Corinthians 7 about believing a... |
Is it normal for bad things to happen to Christians? Yes, it is normal. There are examples in the Bi... |
Is it OK to go to a college of different faith as long as you are solid in your own faith? The views... |
Is once saved always saved truly Biblical? Can a Christian really lose their salvation once they've ... |
Is it unhealthy to eat pork? Pork takes the longest to digest, it has a high salt content, and it ha... |
Is it wrong to expect God's protection when facing calamity? We ought to do what we can, using commo... |
Is it wrong to receive blood transfusions? Christians are clearly commanded to not eat blood. A bloo... |
What does Mark chapter 12 mean when it says 'The LORD said to my Lord?' If Jesus is the Son of David... |
Is private baptism without a pastor biblically valid? The Bible establishes that there is an authori... |
Many people who broke commandments will be in heaven because they didn’t understand God’s will. Once... |
What do I do about seductive dress in church and my pastor? Should I talk with him about it? The Bib... |
Is sex on the Sabbath wrong? Before sin entered our world there were things God created for our enjo... |
Is speaking in tongues biblical? One of the gifts of the Spirit is tongues. But, it is not an indica... |
Is stopping dialysis considered suicide? This is a difficult question. You need to pray and ask God ... |
What's the difference between the Mosaic Law and the Ten Commandments? Is the Sabbath a ceremonial ... |
Is the 'abomination' the attempt to again sacrifice a red heifer. Some people believe the Jews will ... |
Is the Antichrist on earth now? Revelation 17 speaks of a beast power raises his head several times ... |
Is the Bible the only trusted source of truth and inspiration? The Bible is the foundation for all t... |
Is the bread and wine literally the body and blood of Christ? When Christ instituted this ceremony, ... |
Is the covenant with Abraham still in effect? When God gave Abraham the promised land, did he in his... |
Genesis chapter 1 seems to speak of primarily a diet of fruits, nuts, and grains. Is this all that ... |
Is the limitation of women ordination biblical or simply cultural? My belief is that it is a biblica... |
Is the new rock-n-roll music beat fine for church? One of the trends in the church today is to use m... |
Is the voice of the Son of God the voice of the Archangel? Michael, the archangel, is another title ... |
Is there a biblical purgatory? There is no Scripture that mentions purgatory or that once a person d... |
Is there any Scripture that supports children witnessing to their parents? Yes there are examples of... |
Is there any sin that is not committed willfully? We can have attitudes of sin that we may not be co... |
Is there anything wrong with jumping and clapping in church? The Bible tells us that all things shou... |
Isn't praying for something once enough? No, because prayer is more than informing God of our needs,... |
Once you are saved, are you always saved, or do you need to be saved every day? There are many examp... |
Please explain about the woman's seed bruising the serpent's head. This speaks about the war between... |
Revelation chapter 20 says that death and hell were cast into the lake of fire and that this is the ... |
Should Christians be able to trace their calling back to the disciples? I think the Bible is clear t... |
We don’t need to accept man-made rules added to Sabbath observance, but Bible principles do apply, a... |
Should Christians keep the Passover? I think every Christian should keep the Passover through the Lo... |
Should drunkards be held responsible for crimes when they blackout and don't recall what they did? I... |
Should homosexuality in the church be allowed? The Bible has clear and strong words to say against h... |
Should the church still celebrate the feast of tabernacles? There are some groups that practice the ... |
Is Halloween pagan or Christian and is it ok for Christian children to participate in it? Is it pos... |
Should we pray to Jesus or to God? Almost every reference in Scripture is to pray to the Father in C... |
Should you give money to people asking for handouts? The Bible clearly encourages us to give to peop... |
Though we’re under grace, we’re obligated to keep the Ten Commandments out of love for God. Shouldn’... |
Was it o.k. for Rahab to lie? Did God excuse her sin? She apparently repented of her sin and was sav... |
Was Jesus a created angel? Jesus tells us in Revelation that He is the Alpha and the Omega who alway... |
Was Jesus a vegetarian? There are references to Jesus eating meat. He at the Passover lamb and He at... |
Was the law about clean and unclean meat ended with the old covenant? There are certain laws that pr... |
Was the world created in six literal days? Some have suggested that it was six thousand or six milli... |
Is it ok to be cremated? Does the Bible have anything to say about this?... |
What about paganism in the church? There are a few books that are very helpful on this topic. When y... |
Genesis chapter 6 speaks of the Sons of God marrying the daughters of men. Who are the Sons of God?... |
What are the requirements for baptism? The Bible says a person should repent and be taught the basic... |
What are the seven last plagues and when will they occur? Revelation 15 and 16 tells us about these ... |
The Sabbath is not a time for buying and selling. See how you can follow the example of Jesus, fully... |
Although the seventh day comes at different times in different parts of the world, it is consistent ... |
The Pentecost took place on Sunday. The disciples began their work of spreading the gospel on Pentec... |
What did Jesus mean when He said, 'Do not judge.'? This verse is often misapplied. Christ said, 'If ... |
What did Peter's vision with the sheet of unclean animals mean? This is not a passage where God is t... |
What do the references to stars in the Bible mean? The reference in Numbers speaks of Jesus, not Kin... |
What does it mean in 1 Peter 3 when it says Jesus preached to the spirits in prison? Does it mean Ch... |
What does Matthew chapter 16 mean when speaking of some not dying till they see the kingdom? Since t... |
In second Corinthians chapter 5, Paul seems to indicate that as soon as we die we are in the presenc... |
What does it mean to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit? This does not have to do with making verbal ... |
What does it mean to fear the one who destroys body and soul mean? This talks about persecution. The... |
In first Peter chapter 4 it speaks about the judgment beginning with believers. What does this mean... |
First Corinthians chapter 14 seems to indicate when a person speaks in an unknown tongue, no man can... |
What does the Bible say about alcohol and marijuana? I believe Christians should not do either. It's... |
What does the Bible say about eating meat? The original plan by God for man was to be vegetarian. Bu... |
What does the Bible say about magic tricks? Christians should hold fast to that which is true and av... |
What does the Bible say about women elders or preachers? Men and women are equal before God in value... |
What does the Bible teach about contraception? I think a man should be responsible and be able to su... |
What happened to the tribe of Dan? In Revelation 7 Dan and Ephraim are not listed. There are meaning... |
What is a spiritual Jew? Any Gentile who accepts Jesus automatically becomes a spiritual Jew. Pastor... |
What is biblically permissible entertainment? Philippians gives us guidelines to think about things ... |
What is God's real name? How do you pronounce God's name? Does it matter which name we use for God?... |
What is Jesus doing in the heavenly sanctuary and why is it taking so long? Jesus is pleading His bl... |
What is the age accountability for kids? Children mature in the understanding of right and wrong at ... |
What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and when does it occur? Holy Spirit works in different degree... |
What is the mark of Cain? The Bible does not say. I don't believe God put a big check on Cain's fore... |
What is the most important verse in the Bible? If you ask 10 people you will get 11 answers! Pastor ... |
What is the original diet? Do we need vegetables? The original diet in the Garden of Eden did not i... |
What is your opinion of 1 Corinthians 11 and head coverings? Whenever we build a doctrine, we need t... |
What moral laws beside the 10 commandments do we still need to keep? There were civil laws, health l... |
What role will the US play in Bible prophecy? The Bible speaks of two beasts in Revelation 13. There... |
Was Jesus born in September instead of December? Does the Bible give any clues as to when His birth ... |
On Sabbath, we should set our regular work aside and spend quality time with God. Works of ministry ... |
What was God's original diet in the Garden of Eden? Genesis speaks of a diet of fruits, grains, nuts... |
What was Paul's 'thorn in the flesh'? Most scholars believe it probably had to do with his vision. W... |
What was the light God made at the start of creation? If God made the sun on the fourth day, where d... |
What was the purpose of laying on of hands and does it apply today? There are many references in the... |
Can we exactly pinpoint when the rapture will occur? When does the 7-year tribulation period start?... |
When Jesus returns, will God the Father be with Him? Jesus tells a parable in Matthew 25 that tells ... |
When Jesus returns, will God the Father be with Him? According to Jesus before the High Priest, they... |
Is God the only one who answers prayers? If a person prays to Mary and that prayer is answered, doe... |
When should we give up on saving a soul? There is a balance. The Bible says some fields are more rip... |
Where did Cain's wife come from? Who was her family? Who were her parents? According to the Bible's ... |
Where do sinners go when they die? There are lots of wacky theories out there. The Bible says they s... |
Where in the Bible are dinosaurs mentioned? Dinosaur is a modern word so it is not in the Bible. But... |
Where is the ark of the covenant and Noah's ark? Will they be found again? The Bible indicates the a... |
Where is the line between persisting in prayer and vain repetition? Jesus warns us in Matthew 5 not ... |
Who are the 144,000? Where are these people coming from? Information on this is found in Revelation ... |
In verse 10 of Revelation chapter 17 it says that 5 are fallen and one is and one is yet to come. W... |
Were the giants mentioned in Genesis chapter 6 unnatural offspring? What made them giants?... |
Revelation chapter 17 mentions 10 kings that receive power for 1 hour with the beast. What does thi... |
According to Joel chapter 2 is it all believers in the end-time that will have God's Spirit poured o... |
Revelation chapter 17 speaks of an 8th beast that was of the seven? What does this mean? Who is th... |
Revelation chapter 17 describes a woman riding this strange beast that's full of blasphemy. What do... |
Revelation chapter 7 describes a large group of people clothed in white robes. Who are they?... |
Who was Melchisedec? Where did he come from? Where did he go? We don't know much about him, but what... |
Who was the first author of the Bible? The first was Moses that we know of. He probably the first bo... |
Who will be on the earth during the 1000 year reign of Christ? Your question is based on a misguided... |
Why did God allow the baby boys to be killed under Herod's decree? The caller also asks about whethe... |
Why did God destroy Achan's family when only Achan sinned? Achan and his family knew that he had tak... |
Why did Israel and Judah always go to Egypt? Its because Egypt was the cradle of civilization at tha... |
Why did Jesus call Mary woman instead of mother? The term woman used to address a female today sound... |
Why did Lot give his daughters to the crowd? It was a middle eastern custom that when you have guest... |
Why did the dogs not eat Jezebel's hands, head and feet? It was prophesied that Jezebel would be eat... |
Why didn't God forgive Adam and Eve? Why did God commit suicide? God is not only a loving Father, bu... |
It’s clear the Christian church began to gradually compromise and adopt pagan customs such as worshi... |
Why do pastors scare people about hell? Pastors will try to motivate people and go beyond what the B... |
There are lots of disputes about the writings of Paul. In second Peter chapter 3 it mentions scoffer... |
Why do some churches not have crosses? In the New Testament the word is typically used in a symbolic... |
Why did God allow evil in the world? God did not make a devil. But why did he permit evil and not pr... |
Why did God allow Satan to inflict evil on our world? If, as soon as Lucifier and his followers sinn... |
Why does God judge His people? The Bible says all will stand before the seat of Christ. It makes sen... |
Why does God let the devil do bad things? Parents have no guarantee that their children will always ... |
If God is one, why does He refer to Himself in the plural form? What does the Bible mean it says tha... |
Why does Satan attack God's followers? The Bible tells us Elijah went to heaven in a fiery chariot, ... |
Why does the dragon in Revelation 12 have seven heads and 10 horns? The Bible shows that the dragon ... |
Why doesn't God stop evil and does it really matter if we go to church? I'm a parent and I don't wan... |
The fact that the New Testament is silent on the subject of the Sabbath is the loudest argument that... |
Why doesn't the day for a year principle apply to every prophecy in the Bible? If the prophecy gives... |
Why doesn't the new year start the day after Christmas? Our calendar is a convoluted mess and we can... |
Why don't people use modern music? We should sing a new song unto the Lord. There are new songs that... |
Why is Jesus' genealogy traced through Joseph? Matthew's genealogy traces it through the literal par... |
Why is Jesus taking so long to return? We need to ask another question, Is the plan of salvation jus... |
Is the teaching of the Trinity Biblical? There seem to be various groups of believers that are chal... |
Will we know each other in heaven? Will we recognize each other in heaven or will our glorified bodi... |
Will getting tattoos keep people out of the kingdom? Some people have come to the Lord who already h... |
Will good deeds done just before death save a bad person? If a person is living a wicked life and fi... |
Will good people from different denominations be saved? The Bible is clear that many will come from ... |
It depends on your understanding—but once you understand truth, you need to honor it. The Sabbath co... |
Will the church go through the tribulation? Were the children of Israel saved from the plagues in Eg... |
Will the millennium reign be in heaven or earth? When the Lord descends from heaven, which direction... |
Will this planet be the new earth after the second coming of Jesus? Yes, God's original plan for our... |
Will we have wings in heaven? I don't know that we will have literal wings, but there are references... |