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Love is the Fulfillment of the Law

Love is the Fulfillment of the Law

God’s law is not a set of abstract principles but commands and instructions intended for our flourishing. God’s law is, in its totality, an expression of love as God Himself expresses it.

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144,000 and the Seal of God, Pt. 2

144,000 and the Seal of God, Pt. 2

Who are the 144,000 spoken of in Revelation 7 and 14? What is the "Seal of God"? This group is called to bring a revival to the church, but they are not the only ones saved. Part 2 of 2

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Saved In the Final Hour

Saved In the Final Hour

The Bible frequently talks about following Jesus means you deny yourself, you take up your cross. That basically says you are laying down your life. This is quite a struggle and something that we face every day.

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Bowing to Babylon

With Pastor Doug Batchelor

The story of Daniel's friends in Daniel 3 teaches us historically about a spiritual truth: someday we will be compelled to worship the beast. We may have confidence ...
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Pastor Doug's Newsletter

Broadcasting Truth in Brazil

When the pandemic hit Brazil, Lidu and her sister couldn’t go to church. But when they turned on their TV and heard Bible truth, Lidu was led to God’s last-day church—and she has now become a trained Bible worker for Christ through Amazing Facts Brazil! Will you share more life-changing messages that lead more people to become disciples of Jesus? Thank you!

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Featured Product

Amazing Testimonies of Changed Lives: A Daily Devotional

Amazing Testimonies of Changed Lives: A Daily Devotional

Amazing Testimonies of Changed Lives is a moving daily devotional full of beautifully told conversion stories about people just like you. You’ll read familiar Bible accounts, like that of the apostle Paul; stories from great men and women in history, like Martin Luther and Fanny Crosby—and even Amazing Facts testimonies of people who accepted Christ, turning from death to eternal life.
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AF Blog

Hungary Says No to Public Pride Events

Hungary’s parliament has voted to ban public Pride events. Some say that the new law targets LGBTQ rights, but others say they want to protect children from premature exposure to sexualized messaging. What can we learn from the Bible?

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