God’s law is not a set of abstract principles but commands and instructions intended for our flourishing. God’s law is, in its totality, an expression of love as God Himself expresses it.
Who are the 144,000 spoken of in Revelation 7 and 14? What is the "Seal of God"? This group is called to bring a revival to the church, but they are not the only ones saved. Part 2 of 2
The Bible frequently talks about following Jesus means you deny yourself, you take up your cross. That basically says you are laying down your life. This is quite a struggle and something that we face every day.
Is God calling you to become a more effective witness in these last days? Beginning this August, the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism will hold its fall 2025, 3-Month course in Granite Bay, California, which includes practical, hands-on experience in a local evangelistic campaign.
The Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism will present an empowering, weeklong discipleship program, March 24–27, 2025—for FREE! It’s perfect for anyone who wants to fulfill Jesus’ commission in these last days.
Is your church participating in the North America Division’s Pentecost 2025 initiative? If so, Amazing Facts has a turnkey solution to help you succeed in your evangelistic campaign this year!
Ignite Evangelism in Your Church in 2025!
Join us as we discover the truth of our beginnings.
Want to be a soul-winner? AFCOE can help!